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2 Signs of Foundation Damage

Reduce Homeowner Headaches with Our Foundation Repair in Buffalo, New York

Every responsible homeowner should be vigilant about inspecting their home for foundation damage. A damaged foundation can cause considerable harm to your home, dramatically lower the property value, and potentially cost a small fortune to fix.

If caught early enough, many foundation problems can be remedied in a timely and cost-effective manner by our quality foundation repair in Buffalo, New York. In the interest of protecting your home’s foundation – and your personal finances – call in one of our experts the instant you spot any of the following signs.

1. Unusual Cracks

Cracks are among the most telltale signs of foundation damage, so it’s good to always be on the lookout for them. If you’ve recently noticed any unusual cracks forming in your walls, floors, or ceilings, you should have them inspected by our foundation experts at Highlander Waterproofing immediately.

Although there’s a chance that deep rooted foundation problems aren’t to blame, ruling them out early on can provide you with tremendous peace of mind and enable you to get to the bottom of the real issue at hand. Homeowners who have recently come across unusual cracks in their home would be wise to get in touch with Highlander Waterproofing, the leading company for foundation repair in Buffalo, New York!

2. Temperamental Windows and Doors

Temperamental windows are another common warning sign of foundational issues. If any of your home’s windows used to open and close very easily, but have recently started becoming stuck or harder to move, a damaged foundation may be the culprit. Be particularly wary of foundation problems if multiple windows are functioning in this manner and contact us immediately. Through our foundation repair in Buffalo, New York, you’ll be able to open and close your windows with ease once again and know that your home’s foundation is in top condition.

Temperamental doors can also signal the onset of foundation problems. If you notice doors in your home that are difficult to lock and/or latch, refuse to close fully or frequently become jammed, contact us immediately to inspect your home and find the root of the issue.

No homeowner can afford to take foundation issues lightly. If left alone, even seemingly minor foundation problems can end up causing considerable damage to your home. Fortunately, contacting professionals in foundation repair in Buffalo, New York when you first notice these issues can save you considerable money and headaches when it comes to your home’s foundation. For the best foundation repair in Buffalo, New York, call Highlander Waterproofing today at (877) 415-0564.